
What Should You Eat To Have Regular Periods?

Written by Jillian Lai Mei Siew on Tue, 01 August 2023

Key Highlights

  • There is a direct correlation between your eating habits and your periods
  • Paying attention to your diet prevents irregular periods and excessive bleeding
  • Here is how you can have a healthy diet during periods

Do you often face this dilemma: On one hand, you are excited about a family event or an upcoming trip and on the other, you don't seem to find a way of predicting when you might get your period?

PMS symptoms, birth control, menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance, and mood swings often happen to be common topics of discussion amongst women. And yes, it's also one of the most dreaded phenomena and a cause of trouble most of the time.

The menstrual cycle commonly termed as periods isn't always the same for every woman. Women usually get their period every 24 to 38 days and each period may last for about 2 to 8 days.

Menstrual cycles or periods tend to generally regularize with age. Occasional fluctuations in symptoms, menstrual flow, and overall duration usually aren't a cause for concern.

However, irregularity too often should ring an alarm. It is perhaps time to include foods for regular periods into a specially drawn-up diet for healthy periods, to understand how to fight polycystic ovary syndrome with diet and nutrition.

Your diet - is it a cause of concern?

  • Skipping your meals, binging on food, having nutritionally deficient food, as well as overeating, can together throw your hormones out of gear, resulting in irregular periods.
  • Eating the right diet for healthy life, with the right mix of nutrients has always helped deal with various types of health conditions, including regulating periods.
  • Reducing foods like red meat and fatty foods can help to lose weight. A sedentary lifestyle can be harmful in the long run.
  • When you get signs of a period coming late or signs that your period is not coming, a period tracker can help you track your periods. 
    Read on to find out which foods to eat for regular periods and get your cycle back on track.

Foods to regulate menstrual cycle

Consuming the right kind of food ingredients in your daily diet can go a long way in naturally regulating your periods.

A perfect balance of seasonal fruits and vegetables which are a vital source of fibre; lentils and beans which serve as sources of iron and protein and legumes which contain zinc, besides proper hydration - are all essential for menstrual health and the best food for regular periods.

There are a few more ingredients in our kitchen racks and consciously reaching out to them regularly may help in getting rid of menstrual troubles.

Let us know a few of them.

Evergreen parsley

  • Parsley is known to contain compounds like myristicin and apiole, which can influence estrogen production that helps balance hormones, favours menstruation and alleviates pain.
  • Enjoy parsley tea or boiled parsley water to overcome menstrual irregularity.
  • Parsley tea can be made by steeping fresh or dried parsley in a cup of hot water, it can supply several nutrients and antioxidants that are essential for regular periods and better menstrual health.

Befriend cinnamon, cumin and carom

  • Cinnamon, our common kitchen spice is more than just a flavoring agent. It provides quick relief from menstrual pain and menstrual cramps.
  • Cinnamon contains a variety of vitamins such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid. To get the maximum benefits, you can have cinnamon mixed well with a glass of milk.
  • Cumin is a time-trusted menstrual aid. It facilitates uterine contractions and regulates the menstrual cycle. Cumin can be easily ingested directly or 2 teaspoons of cumin can be soaked overnight in water and consumed early in the morning.
  • If you are suffering from irregular periods or menstrual pain, you should drink a glass of boiled water with carom seeds. Carom seeds have antispasmodic qualities that work excellently to relieve menstrual irregularities. Moreover, they work impressively in stimulating the uterus

Pineapple and papaya to your rescue

  • Pineapple is efficient in improving your blood flow. It contains an enzyme called bromelain that helps overcome menstrual irregularities. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties and it also helps in shedding the uterine lining.
  • Papaya contains carotene that helps the uterus to contract and maintains estrogen levels in your body. Both papayas, as well as pineapple, deserve to be your regular dietary inclusions for happy and regular periods!

The magic of turmeric

  • Turmeric is a fabulous herb with multiple benefits. Turmeric contains curcumin that has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. In addition, it also helps in regulating the menstrual cycle and restoring hormonal balance.
  • Drink a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder mixed with milk and honey for a few weeks continuously to regulate your menstrual cycle. Turmeric can reduce inflammation, work on delayed periods, increase blood flow to the pelvic area, and regulate your period cycle.

Go for ginger

  • Ginger is high in gingerol and has trace amounts of Vitamin C and magnesium. Causes of irregular periods and mood swings can be multiple but ginger can be the solution. Ginger with high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helps in getting relief from irregular periods.
  • Ginger can be eaten fresh, dried and stored as a spice, added to your tea, curries or soups. Boil an inch of ginger in a cup of water and drink this brew before every meal.

Beat it with beetroot

  • Beets are a rich source of iron. It's also rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants, promotes the flow of blood to the uterus and reduces cramping and water retention in your body.

Top up with Vitamin D

  • Low levels of Vitamin D are associated with irregular periods. Vitamin D is present in fatty fish like salmon, tuna, sardines and oysters. Regular consumption of fatty fish as a part of your diet will offer respite from irregular menstruation.
  • Flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, and soybean, are also rich sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and can be a part of your daily diet.

Reap benefits with apple cider vinegar

  • Wondering how I lose weight during periods? Apple cider vinegar is known to regulate hormones as well as reduce excess body weight and unwanted belly fat.
  • It can also reduce the symptoms of PCOS, which is one of the prime reasons for irregular periods.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar tastes bitter, hence having a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar neutralises its taste and helps to get rid of menstrual irregularities.

Read more: Why a Plant-Based Diet Can Be Good for Periods


Irregular periods may be a side effect of an unhealthy lifestyle. But consuming the appropriate nutrients from above mentioned nutrient-rich foods and ingredients as a part of your regular diet may ease your symptoms. Dairy products, fruits and vegetables, vitamin B6, herbal teas, etc are all known to be the best foods for regular periods, essential for a healthy diet.

Periods can affect estrogen levels, insulin levels, and hormone levels and hence special attention should be paid to the diet during periods. However, do speak with a doctor about severe or irregular periods, as they may also be caused due to an underlying medical condition that needs to be diagnosed, assessed and treated by a gynecologist.


Jillian Lai Mei Siew

As the Product Consultant Manager of Mega BiO-LiFE, Jillian Lai Mei Siew, has the role of providing a productive team spirit among all Product Consultants to equip them with the right health nutritional information. Jillian is a BSc in Nutrition and Community Health, and a MSc in Nutritional Sciences an from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Affiliated to the Professional Affiliation Languages & Dialects Nutrition Society of Malaysia, NSM, Jillian can speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien and Malay.

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  1. Awe EO, et al. Biochemical and haematological assessment of toxic effects of the leaf ethanol extract of Petroselinum crispum (Mill) Nyman ex AW Hill (Parsley) in rats. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2013 Dec;13(1):1-6.
  2. Jaafarpour M, et al. The effect of cinnamon on menstrual bleeding and systemic symptoms with primary dysmenorrhea. Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal. 2015 Apr;17(4).
  3. Why Is My Period So Random? Available at: WebMD
  4. A Detailed Guide to Ginger: What's in It, Why It's Good for You, and More Available at Everyday Health
  5. Can home remedies help regulate your period? Available at: Medical News Today

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Current Version

Aug, 01 2023

Written By

Jillian Lai Mei Siew