
Why a Plant-Based Diet Can Be Good for Periods

Written by Reshma Pathare on Sat, 02 December 2023 — Fact checked by Dr. Bugaeva Irina Viktorovna

Key Highlights

  • Following a plant-based diet for menstrual cycle can help reduce inflammation and other PMS symptoms, promote hormonal balance, and support weight management for period regularization.
  • Some of the best vegan foods to eat on your period include leafy greens, nuts, and berries for their anti-inflammatory properties. Flax seeds, soy, and cruciferous vegetables are good for those with low estrogen levels while fiber-rich vegetables help expel excess estrogen in women with high levels.
  • When it comes to vegan diet and periods, be mindful of nutritional deficiencies like iron, Vitamin C, and magnesium. A healthcare professional can guide you on your diet and nutritional intake. 

From over-the-counter medicines to natural homemade remedies, several tips and tricks are often suggested to improve menstrual health. But the most important one is to supply your body and all its vital organs with the right nutrients. This is because the right amount of protein, high-fiber carbs, and healthy fats are vital for proper hormone production.

When talking about consuming nutritious foods that help with periods, are you left wondering if a plant-based diet can supplement your body with the right amount of nutrients? After all, vegetarian diets are known to have certain protein, iron, and vitamin deficiencies. Well, we are here to tell you about the plant-based diet and menstrual cycle, and just how helpful it can be. You simply need to meet your daily calorie intake and nutrient requirements with a variety of foods to reap the many benefits of a plant-based diet for your period health.

Why are plant-based foods good for periods?

1. Lesser period cramping and pain

Several studies have shown that opting for dairy or meat-based foods during periods, especially processed and red meats, can cause inflammation in the body and worsen the intensity of cramps. These can increase the prostaglandins to be released, which causes constriction of blood vessels in the uterus, increasing period pains.

Instead, consuming plant-based options with anti-inflammatory properties can greatly reduce these PMS symptoms. Green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, and berries are some of the best foods that help with period cramps.

Understanding what to eat during periods is essential for maintaining good menstrual health and alleviating common symptoms like cramps and mood swings.

2. Weight management and period regularization

A common cause of delayed, abnormal, or missed periods is weight fluctuations or weight gain. Due to the sudden increase in the body’s fat stores or tissues, you can experience hormonal imbalance and in turn, abnormal periods. They can also be a side-effect of PCOS.

To help shed the extra kilos and restore your previous weight, it is essential to eat foods that are low in calories yet filling, and well-balanced. That’s where a plant-based diet can help. Some of the best vegan foods to eat on your periods are also great at weight management as they are high in fiber, keeping you satisfied, low in fats, and full of essential nutrients.

However, bear in mind that a low-calorie diet is not for everyone as sudden weight loss can also negatively impact your periods. If you are concerned about the effects of weight on your periods, it is best to consult a health professional about dietary changes.

3. Improves hormonal balance

A healthy menstrual cycle starts with a hormonal balance. Irregularities in periods are often caused by an abnormal production of hormones, which hampers the smooth functioning of the reproductive system.

Hormone regulation is also dependent on the nutrients we give our body. This is why the best food for regular periods comes from a plant-based diet filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are dense in phytonutrients, which can keep anti-inflammation away and support a good hormonal balance.

For those with lower estrogen production, foods like flax seeds, soy, peaches, and cruciferous vegetables must be consumed. These are some of the best foods in a period-healthy diet as they supply the body with phytoestrogens or dietary estrogen and help manage hormone levels.

In case of higher estrogen levels, fiber-rich foods are a must because they help absorb and expel excess estrogen, promoting a good hormonal balance. Fruits and veggies like sweet potatoes, oranges, avocados, and apples can be added to your vegan diet for menstrual cycle regulation.

4. Reduces PMS symptoms

We know how a vegan diet and period work together, with the former promoting the reduction of severe cramping during menstruation. But what about other symptoms like mood swings and bloating?

Continuous studies have shown that consuming a low-fat diet of vegetables, fruits, and nuts can work wonders to reduce PMS symptoms. For starters, when there is a build-up of estrogen, which can lead to a worsening of PMS, it was seen that women who follow a plant-based, high-fiber diet tend to expel more estrogen than others who consume meat and dairy.

Plant-based foods are also naturally low in sodium, making them some of the best foods for periods as they reduce water retention and bloating.

Fruits that are rich in antioxidants are also great energy boosters, helping fight symptoms of fatigue during menstruation. Magnesium-dense nuts, dark chocolate, and vegetables like leafy greens, tofu, lentils, and beans are also foods good for period symptoms. This nutrient may help reduce menstrual migraines, water retention, and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Understanding phytoestrogens in plants & their benefits in women's health

Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring compounds in plants. These compounds can have several health benefits for women's health.

By eating vegan period food, one can easily get these phytoestrogens and benefit from them.

Here are some ways in which these compounds can benefit various aspects of women's health:

1. Relief from menstrual problems

Phytoestrogens have natural estrogen which can help in regulating period problems like severe abdominal aches, menstrual cramps, heavy period flow, and so on. It is advised to see a doctor for any problems related to menstrual health.

2. Protection from osteoporosis

Estrogen can help maintain bone density. Phytoestrogens can help in the prevention of osteoporosis.

3. Getting rid of acne

Phytoestrogens are female hormones but they can counter acne-causing androgens in women and relieve or prevent acne from occurring.

4. For Hypothalamic amenorrhea

Phytoestrogens can help in the treatment of low levels of estrogen and are often considered as an allied therapy for amenorrhea.

5. Menopause-related problems

Phytoestrogens can help in the reduction of hot flashes and help in other symptoms of menopause.

Things to remember for vegan diet and period health

When you incorporate any change in your diet, you might face some hormonal imbalance if not done properly. So, it is wise to consult your doctor or healthcare professional when charting out which are the best foods that help with periods. However, here are a few common changes to be mindful of, so that you can consume a diet that meets your nutritional requirements.

  • As plant-based foods have lower calories, they can lead to a lower BMI and cause certain imbalances. Make sure you meet your daily intake by consuming calorie-dense items like nuts and nut butters, avocado, and quinoa, which are also some of the best foods for regular periods.
  • The loss of red blood cells during periods can cause iron deficiency and anemia. However, iron is not easily obtained and absorbed from plant-based foods. So it is essential to increase iron intake, especially during your menstrual phase. Tofu, lentils, leafy greens, chickpeas, and iron-fortified cereals are some of the best vegan foods to eat on your period.
  • Vitamin C also helps in better absorption of iron. So make sure to supplement your meals with citrus fruits, bell peppers, broccoli, papayas, and other sources of Vitamin C.

Best foods to eat on your period

You can get it right by including a wide variety of plant-based foods in your diet. To maintain good harmony between a plant based diet and menstrual cycle, make sure to include the following types of foods in your diet:

1. Vegetables

  • Vegetables are a great source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. During menstruation days, the body loses blood and fluids throughout the week. Losing blood can cause a drip in iron levels which may lead to anemia.
  • Many women are already anemic due to poor diet and health. Period days can take this a step further and induce weakness.
  • Eating fresh vegetables can help in staying satiated and nutritionally sound.
  • Dark green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are rich in folate, iron, magnesium, and zinc which help regain lost blood and in managing PMS symptoms.

2. Fruits

  • Fresh fruits are brimming with nutrients and natural sugars that vitalize the body and mind.
  • Consuming fresh fruit can provide you with your daily dose of fiber.Fruits like avocados, musk melon, mangoes, etc. are rich in omega-3 fats which can benefit menstrual health by reducing period pain, cramps, and brain fog.

3. Whole grains

  • Whole grains like barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, ragi, etc. are rich in proteins, minerals, and fiber.
  • Whole grains also contain B vitamins which make them essential in a vegan diet. These proteins and fiber are essential for hormonal balance and can even help in preventing menstrual pain.

4. Proteins

  • Proteins are essential in maintaining good health. They can help us stay satiated for longer hours.
  • Proteins can help in regulating hormone levels which affect both mental and physical well-being during periods. Vegan protein options such as soy, tofu, edamame, seitan, etc. can help in maintaining a balanced diet during periods.

5. Beans and lentils

  • Beans and lentils are power-packed foods that can help in gaining energy and in performing daily functions.
  • Red beans are packed with iron and proteins which are great for period days. Lentils are easy to digest can prevent problems like bloating while providing fiber and nutrition.

6. Plant milk

  • Plant milk is usually obtained from nuts, seeds, or beans.
  • Examples of plant milk are soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc.Including this milk in your diet is a great way of packing in healthy fats which help in hormone synthesis and maintaining reproductive health.

7. Nuts

  • Nuts are packed with omega-3 fats, vitamins, and minerals like zinc and magnesium, these components benefit menstrual health by relieving uterine cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Nuts even act as a good source of fiber which can help with period-related bloating.

8. Seeds

  • Seeds like pumpkin seeds and flaxseeds are packed with magnesium and zinc which help to alleviate period cramps.
  • These seeds also provide omega-3 fats which are essential for the reproductive and menstrual health of women.


The popular benefits of a plant-based diet for weight management, hypertension, heart diseases, and other conditions have long been studied. While there is still much research needed on the topic of plant-based diet and menstrual cycle health, their results so far are quite promising for menstruators.

However, no one thing is perfect! A vegan diet can have certain nutrient deficiencies if an individual does not consume the right foods in the right quantities. So, don’t forget to follow the tips given above when creating your diet, and support your period and overall well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Nutrient-dense vegetarian foods good for periods can positively affect your periods as they reduce inflammation, alleviate PMS symptoms, and promote hormonal imbalance. However, these results vary based on the individual. Without proper diet planning, a vegetarian diet may not meet your calorie and nutrient needs, in which case, it can cause irregular periods or a complete absence of them. 

Some of the best foods for periods include vegetables, fruits, and other plant-based foods that contain a healthy quality of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Iron-rich foods like leafy greens, lentils, and tofu need to be combined with a diet rich in Vitamin C like citrus fruits. Consume dark berries for a fix of antioxidants, cruciferous vegetables for your dose of fiber, and nuts and leafy vegetables which contain anti-inflammatory properties. 

As there are several nutrients needed to ensure healthy periods, consume food like leafy greens, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fruits because they come packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Don’t forget to include iron, magnesium, calcium, and Omega-3 fatty acids when picking foods that help with periods. 

A well-balanced vegan diet, that is rich in plant-based proteins, vitamins, and minerals, along with having the right calorie count, can positively influence your period health and reduce PMS symptoms. However, make sure you consult a professional when shifting your diet as any sudden changes can cause hormonal imbalances. 


Reshma Pathare

Reshma Kulkarni-Pathare has been a self-employed media professional since 1999. Starting off as a Freelance Journalist for Times of India Thane Plus, Reshma went onto write for more than 45 national and international publications including Times of India, New Woman, Femina, Indian Express, The Hindu, BBC Good Homes and many more. While her forte has been lifestyle writing, she is equally proficient in writing health articles. Her health articles have been published in Health International (Dubai), New Woman, Femina, and Mother & Baby.

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Current Version

Dec, 02 2023

Written By

Reshma Pathare

Fact checked By

Dr. Bugaeva Irina Viktorovna